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Mentos and diet coke trick -

20-12-2016 à 07:15:34
Mentos and diet coke trick
Coffey and company discovered that the ingredients in the Mentos and Diet Coke and, more importantly, the structure of the Mentos, allow carbon dioxide bubbles to form extremely rapidly. The reaction is so intense, you can make a rocket propelled by the resulting geyser. Get Our Book on What Makes Videos Go Viral. Air Cannons, Magnet Motors, and 25 Other Amazing DIY Science Projects. Combine Diet Coke and Mentos, and the result is explosive—Diet Coke shoots out of the bottle like a miniature, sticky Old Faithful. Diet sodas produce a bigger reaction than non-diet sodas because aspartame lowers the surface tension of the liquid much more than sugar or corn syrup will. Daven Hiskey filed under: Big Questions, Food, Food, science. EepyBird explores creativity, and the ways ordinary objects can do extraordinary things.

Air Cannons, Magnet Motors, and 25 Other Amazing DIY Science Projects. You can also increase the effect by adding more surfactants to the soda when you add the Mentos, like adding a mixture of dishwasher soap and water. In addition to creating viral marketing campaigns for brands like Coca-Cola, OfficeMax, and ABC Family, Grobe and Voltz also give presentations at corporate events on viral video, creativity, and innovation. Another factor that contributes to the size of the geyser is how rapidly the object causing the foaming sinks in the soda. Tonya Coffey of Appalachian State University and her physics students published a paper on the phenomenon in the American Journal of Physics. EepyBird has performed live in London, Paris, Las Vegas, and Istanbul. Each Mentos candy has thousands of small pores on its surface which disrupt the polar attractions between water molecules, creating thousands of ideal nucleation sites for the gas molecules to congregate. In addition to that, the gum arabic and gelatin ingredients of the Mentos, combined with the potassium benzoate, sugar or (potentially) aspartame in diet sodas, also help in this process. We spend countless hours searching for ways to transform. They have been featured on The Late Show with David Letterman, The Today Show, Ellen, and Mythbusters. Bubbles will continue to form on the porous surface and the process will repeat, creating a nice, foamy geyser.

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mentos and diet coke tricks
Mentos and diet coke trick

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